To add to your inclusion tools list!


To promote inclusion in your daily activities for any kind of people you will need to have a range of tools that help you to create inclusive services, activities, actions and spaces.

Here you will find one of the most used tools of Asociación Almenaras, based in Málaga, one of the project’s partners.

The “Activity analysis” is a tool developed by Inmaculada Jurando and Aitor Rando for the training course: In Their Shoes, Becoming inclusive to provide a tool for youth workers in order to allow them to create inclusive activities and actions.

The analysis of the activity is a logical and simplifying process, created and used by the science of occupational therapy through which the occupational therapist determines the multiple demands required to execute it and achieve a competent performance of it. influence the type and amount of effort required to perform it.

Through this tool, the occupational therapist can divide each activity into each little task needed to perform the activity and understand what kind of skills and competences a person needs to realise each of those tasks. Following information provides us with an ability to see what are the most difficult steps for a person or a collective and plan some actions to make these steps easier. We can change these steps to make them easier, we can adapt these steps, we can search for some extra-tool or device in order to facilitate these steps and even if they are not crucial for the activity itself, we can eliminate them.

Inma Jurado and Aitor Rando, the coordinators of the work with inclusion in Almenaras, are occupational therapists, and they understood the great tool they had, not just for the science of occupational therapy, but in other disciplines. They decided to adapt and simplify this tool in order to provide it to social work. This tool allows us to analyse more than the tasks because we need to think as well about the usual age range for the activity, to propose correct activities depending on age of the final users, the physical, social and cultural aspects, to have a holistic approach when proposing activities, the materials and equipment needed, and the possible hazards that may appear.

Find attached the tool. Do not hesitate contact to if you have any doubts about how to use it.